My house is all hearts and candles, and lights~I Love it<3
I was Married on this day, and every year we try and do something really special during the week of valentines~<3
Between the two of us I am defiantly the more...romantic one.
Well this year I am relinquishing control, and letting Clayton plan the weekend. I have no idea what we will be doing, but I am sure it will be great!
I wish I had a Wedding picture of the 2 of us to put on here, because we looked really young, cute, and skinny, and it would have been great for a laugh:)
OK that is all I will say....
In closing, here are a few ways you can crank up the romance, and bask in the holiday of LOVE~
#1. Decorate your don't have to spend much money or any at all...most of my stuff is, left over red Christmas items and lights, paper crafts, candles, and whatever I don't have I live without, or buy at the dollar store:)
#2. Have a date night...even if all you do is have a teenager come over and watch your kids in the playroom , while you enjoy a meal, and a movie at home. You need to make this priority! You dated before you got married, Its a lot more fun after you are married!
#3.Don't use your Bedroom as a junk drawer...clear that clutter!...there is nothing romantic about, dirty clothes, left over mail, kids toys, cookie crumbs and fruit snacks on the carpet, or piles of stuff stuff everywhere. I am not an A student at this...we have kids and they are in and out of our room all day it seems, and with them comes the never ending trails of debris.... Clear it all out of there, light a few candles, and make the bed!
#4. Read together before you go to bed, or just talk. Sometimes its the only time you have to spend together that day. Be sure to connect by talking, reading, praying etc...before you sleep:)
#Sexting....I learned this at MOPS...I guess its like texting...but a little spicier...;) can fill in the blank here..........
Well I hope you all have a Fabulous Valentines Day~!
To my Valentine~*My Love~*Mi Amour~*
My wife/best friend is so AWESOME!!! She makes it so easy 2b crazy in love with her. I know I won't do as good a job as her on our time off...but I have fun trying :>)
ReplyDeletei just cleaned our bedroom tonight! you don't even want to know how much change and candy wrappers michael had scattered all over the desk! :D
ReplyDeleteHey, you're wonderfully creative, I have a question to challenge your creativity. I want to do something special for Adam on Valentine's Day, but I have a few obstacles, so I was wondering if you could come up with something.
ReplyDeleteHere's the obstacles:
I have a budget of $0.
Adam always claims that Valentine's is just a stupid hallmark holiday (yet he is really romantic at heart and always does something for me on V Day).
We're romantic, but not mushy, gooey, overly romantic.
I would cook dinner, but I lack cooking talent.
I'm not going to lie, I'm awesome at baking, but can't go out and buy the things I need to make his favorite baked-goods.
If you come up with anything, let me know! You can message me on FB.
I have done a lot on a $0 Budget.. Once I made Clay a jar of "nuggets" I took a clear container, (jar) and stuck cute pics of myself on the outside, then I filled it with little peices of paper rolled up with messages on the inside. He can use it like a one-a-day. I put in 365 of them...they can be anything from , Bible verses, memories of you two, words of encouragement, naughty coupons;) little drawings, Movie nights, date nights, things you love about him...just use your imagination....
ReplyDeleteyou could have a picnic on the floor. Make some samwiches,chips, salad and get a bottle of cheap wine, or just what ever you have, put it all in a cute basket, spread out a blanket on the floor and have at it:)
movie night
you pick out 5 movies, then let him choose one out to watch, pop some corn, drink some soda, turn the lights down low, and cuddle:)
Make him a coupon book~ for at home movie nights, ice cream sundays, a walk together, Bedroom stuff;) a back rub, game night...etc...
hope this helps:)