If you have ever been down the scrapbook aisle of a craft store, you have undoubtedly felt intimidated. With all the gadgets and machinery that is out there for paper crafting it is overwhelming to say the least.
I feel this way, and I am a pretty hardcore scrapper;)
So I am going to dedicate my next few postings to scrap booking, and paper crafting~and how to make it easy one yourself!!Hooray~!
I may have some insight to help you, I have scraped probably close to 500 pages, and thousands of pictures, not to mention the ones I have done for other people....
I am going to simplify, share some tips and tricks, and prove to you that you do NOT need to invest and arm and a leg to preserve your precious memories, in fact you probably own everything you need to get started right away~:)
First things First!
Its all about the Photos you choose...
You do not need( or want )to scrapbook every photo you have ever taken. Pick the top 2 or 3 per page if you are doing a 12X12, and less if your album is smaller....its better to have only 1 great pic on the page than 5 OK pics...
**Also~Start Where you are, don't try to back track the last 10 years. You will just overwhelm yourself and give up before you've begun....
Alright Lets Play a game...."Is this Picture Scrapbook Worthy???" Look through and see if you can guess what pictures are worthy!
A) |
B) |
C) |
D) |
E) |
F) |
G) |
I have learned to stop printing out every picture I take as well. If I print out 200 pics...I would say that only 20 or 30 are actually "scrapbook worthy" The rest can go in a box or Photo album ...now I love them all but If I want the best looking page I have to pick the best of the best Pictures~!
***Game Results: A) Worthy! B) Worthy! C) Not, bad background D) Not, low quality E) Worthy! F) Worthy! G) Not, too dark
I am one of those freaks who actually envisions a scrapbook page as I take my pictures. I know...its crazy, but it works for me.
I have 2 kids, so lets say we go to the zoo, I make sure I take equal amount of photos per child both horizontally and vertically as well a few of them together...this makes it SO much easier when I go to scrap them. My pages balance out really well that way.
Pay attention when you are snapping pictures, be sure you are in focus, centered, good lighting etc...
Your pages can go from wow to WOW!...just by weeding out and showing off the BEST ones!!
Until Next time~ Happy Scrapping~!!